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Venues in Ayr

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The Abbotsford Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire
Ayr Racecourse Ayr, Ayrshire
Ayr Town Hall Ayr, Ayrshire
Belleisle House Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire
Citadel Leisure Centre Ayr, Ayrshire
Ellisland House Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire
Enterkine Country House Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire
Fairfield House Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire
Horizon Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire
Hotel Kylestrome Bar & Grill Ayr, Ayrshire
Mercure Ayr Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire
Odeon Ayr Ayr, Ayrshire
Princess Royal Conference & Banqueting Centre Ayr, Ayrshire
The Robert Burns Birthplace Museum Ayr, Ayrshire
Savoy Park Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire
University of the West of Scotland Ayr Campus Ayr, Ayrshire
Western House Hotel Ayr, Ayrshire

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